Friday 27 April 2007

While Im away

Hi there - as you all may know i am off on the sick at the moment after having surgery on my foot. So if anyone has any queries about educationa nd lifelong learning at the ARC, see the lovely lisa.

There are not many new courses on at this time of year as they are coming to an end for the Summer, but if anyone is interested in doing Word and File Management (suitable for absolute beginners) then there is space in the June class.

Hope you like the pic of my foot.. ha ha

Thursday 19 April 2007

Operation Go Ahead!

Hi guys - just to let you all know that my cancelled surgery is back on again tomorrow at Singleton flowers, chocolates and cards back on.
I will be off for a while hobbling round and unable to drive for ages and ages, so see you soon guys!!!!

Wednesday 18 April 2007

The ARC is in!

Yeah!! at last i have managed to be a part of the blogging system with Phil. Great stuff!!
We have a few new courses happening at the ARC, such as Use Your PC effectively, Back Up and Burn CD's and DVD's, Word and File Management and a NEW FREE open access clinic 'Pop in 4 help' with Owen and Claire.
So keep posted for all the lastest news at the ARC. Chow for now. Debz

Monday 16 April 2007

What is the point of this

recent attempts to try and tie everybody down to a meeting have failed miserably. at present i have invited only certain people to post comments on here. we are all involved in community development in this area and i feel this may be able to help us work as a team rather than as individuals. hope to hear from you all soon


Hope this works

Hi all

if you are reading this then we must be getting somewhere.